Man holding rugby ball with the 1880 club logo printed on it.

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How Reach helped to found the 1880 Club

Owain Prorok Reach Senior Creative

Owain Prorok

Owner & Creative Director

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Lifelong fans

Reach Marketing directors Asgoo Pirbhai and Gary Love both played rugby in their youth and remain big fans of the game. Being from Leicester, they are also (obviously) obsessive Leicester Tigers fans and have cheered on some of the biggest names in the sport at Welford Road since the 1970s.

Their desire to be involved with the club led them to sponsor Lewis Deacon from 2006 to 2008. They had originally set out to sponsor Louis Moody, but the Lewis they got didn’t bare grudges.

Lewis Deacon was an outstanding back row forward and part of the Tigers squads that won the 2007, 2009 and 2010 Premiership finals. He also captained the squad briefly and played for England in the 2002/3 season. Despite becoming good friends with Lewis, the sponsorship didn’t provide an opportunity to see as many games as Asgoo and Gary had hoped, so in 2009 they approached Leicester Tigers with a view to doing more.

An invitation they couldn’t refuse

They were invited to join the 1880 Club, becoming one of its founding members in a joint sponsorship with their clients and good friends Bito Storage Systems. Leicester Tigers was founded by three local clubs in 1880, hence the name.

Going strong

The 1880 Club is now the longest running hospitality package Tigers offer. Members and their guests get to enjoy the games from some of the best seats in the stadium after a first-class dining experience and the (sometimes blue and always very) entertaining recollections of guest speakers drawn from amongst true legends of the game.

Asgoo and Gary continue to entertain clients and colleagues at matches, where discussion of work is taboo. It’s a hugely popular day out, even amongst those with no particular interest in Rugby. Asgoo believes their decision to become founding members is vindicated “every week of the season”.

Long may it continue!

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