3D Animation and CGI for Real Estate.

Our CGI animations and static GCIs sell the benefits of a location and a development in a visually attractive way.

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CGI produced for Cole Waterhouse

CGI produced for Cole Waterhouse

Aerial CGI video produced for Cole Waterhouse

Aerial CGI video produced for Cole Waterhouse

Creating CGIs for property developers

CGIs help to build brands. For many of our clients they help to brand buildings. Our CGI and 3D animation service is largely provided in support of our industrial and residential property clients. Many of them need us to market buildings that don’t yet exist, and in the case of large industrial buildings, won’t exist until an occupier ‘signs on the dotted line’. The CGIs we produce for these occupiers are of central importance in sealing the deal.

Aerial or ground level – choosing the right point of view

As specialists in property marketing, our CGI studio knows the importance of location. And one of the best ways to show location is with an aerial CGI. It shows the position of a building or scheme in relation to transport infrastructure (which can be annotated) and it shows scheme layout. This is especially important for commercial and industrial occupiers.

The Aerials CGIs we produce are very often montages. That is, they are a computer-generated model superimposed on to a real photograph or footage filmed from the air. However, we also produce completely computer-generated areal movies of proposed schemes. These CGI animations cleverly map data from Google Earth to create an accurate model of the surrounding environment.

Building a 3D model of an idustrial logistics unit in CAD

Building a 3D model of an idustrial logistics unit in CAD

Virtual tours

Single points of view are becoming a thing of the past. Like most CGI companies, we still produce a lot of static CGIs (we still produce a lot of print) but new technology offers exciting possibilities. For industrial clients in particular, we can now produce computer generated scheme models, navigated via hotspots. Each new location reveals unique written or spoken content, statistics, and specifications, or even video content. By combining our 3D animation service with our VR we can deliver a powerful immersive experience that increases customer engagement.

CGI interior from a 3D site tour produced for Panattoni UK

CGI interior from a 3D site tour produced for Panattoni UK

Selling the dream – residential CGIs

Unlike industrial or commercial buildings, buying a home is an emotionally driven purchase. Awareness of this must be reflected across the marketing deck, including the CGIs. So, their production involves much more than the technical skills you would expect from a CGI studio. There is also artistic judgement. The best angle matters, obviously, but so does the mood, the light, the plants in the garden – even the time of day. Our art directors approach these challenges as critically as they would a photo or movie shoot and with equally impressive results.

CGI produced for Cannon Kirk Homes

CGI produced for Cannon Kirk Homes

Understanding buyers

Our understanding of property marketing, across all sectors, ensures our CGI animations and static GCIs don’t just look amazing, but also work hard to sell the benefits of a location and a building; a picture really can be worth a thousand words – if it’s the right picture. If you have a development in the pipeline and you need to inspire and inform investors, occupiers, politicians, or anyone else, come to us for CGIs that will do just that.

CGI produced for Cannon Kirk Homes

CGI produced for Cannon Kirk Homes

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